Full time: £175 per week £36 per day £18 per half day Hourly rate: £5
Fees are paid monthly in advance and there is no deposit.
All 3 and 4 year olds receive funding towards their Nursery education. This means that all children are entitled to a free nursery place from the term following their 3rd birthday for 2.5 hours a day, 38 weeks of the year. All nurseries follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum so parents can be assured that their child receives the best start to their education whether they attend a nursery attached to a primary school or Park Day Nursery. Parents who take up a free place may also extend the hours their child attends at any time on a permanent or casual basis. Working parents benefit from funding by having the money deducted from their fees (£1548 per year for children who attend 5 or more sessions a week).
Parents should telephone to arrange an appointment to view the nursery and discuss your child's needs and a start date.
Tel: 0118 9268892
E: kate@parkday.co.uk